Wednesday, 24 June 2015


Welcome to my blog!

I'll start by saying that I am so excited that you've stumbled upon my first blog post! And rest assured, there are many more to come!

So,if you find a lot of out of place French phrases in this blog(😂),its because this september,I am going to an year long exchange to France with AFS (American Field Service) and this is where I will be posting about it.

So considering I've started this a little late in the game,and a of significant events have already occured ,I'll take us back about few months.

Now,people often ask me:
"Why France?"
I say "why not?"
But with all seriousness,really,there couldn't have been a better country.I have some knowledge of the language already,and France is just France! C'est comme une rêve! <3 It is one of the most culturally rich country,in my opinion!And everything about it is just wonderful! (Ok,I will stop bragging)😂

So,the first step was to send in the application, which was so easy!(not!)Almost in a few days,I got accepted,and this wonderful journey began...

Now,A lot has happened already,I have got my host family,my departure date, my orientations are done, but I don't want to bore you(in just one post😂),so let's wait for that..

I hope this blogs inspires you and hope you like the read!

À bientôt !

Tanya :)